Saturday, March 17, 2012

author of chaos, follower of peace

...sounds like an oxymoron right?

Well, I think that this title really reflects me for who I am. Left alone, I am definitely an author of chaos and I have been for much of my life. However, I am also a recovering addict. I was addicted to me and what I thought was right. But now I am learning everyday that there is more than just "me".

I've been a Christian for 12 years now, and I'm still learning everyday that true happiness and peace is not something I manufacture for myself. Nor can I.  It is Christ. That's why every day truly is a new day.

So why this blog? Simple. I want to hold myself accountable to myself. And if some of the things (however crazy or inane!) helps someone else, well then it was more than worth it. So read on...if you dare!