Friday, April 5, 2013

Whose standards are standard?

Morality. It is something that affects all, yet is fiercely debated by the individual. It is something that affects how we interpret the world around us, yet is something that is often attempted to push upon others. Who sets what is right and wrong? Is it something simply left for a majority vote...or could it be that the majority has no idea what is truly right and wrong just like the minority? Something to think about.

The news this week is that the Plan-B "morning after pill" should be available for "all ages". All ages; yep, that's what Judge Edward Korman from the U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of New York said. All ages. Now I'm not going to get into the whole abortion debate (at its heart, that is really not what this is about), but I think this is a terrible idea. Whether or not you support abortion or not (and for the record, I think that if it is used as just another contraceptive it is murder) is not the issue; what the  judge said--basically--in his ruling is that it doesn't make sense for a 17 year old girl to have access to the pill but not a 16 year old. Since the FDA deals in science and not in morality, there is no reason to deny one yet give it to another just because of a 1 year difference in age.

Ok. I'll bite. Is there a difference between a 17 year old and 16 year old emotionally? Physically? Mentally? Maybe not. But how about the difference between a 17 year old and a 14 year old? Or even a 13 year old? Think there might be a difference? The question shouldn't have to be asked. It's common sense...something that seems to be lacking in great proportions of our society today.

If you're going to use that argument that it should be available to all, then what--fundamentally--is the difference between a 21 year old buying alcohol and a 20 year old? Or an 18 year old buying cigarettes or a 17 year old? Science, right?

This is the problem when a society has completely turned its back on the acknowledgement that at the heart of each of us there is a desire to know there is ABSOLUTE truth. ABSOLUTE ethics. ABSOLUTE morality. This is not a "Christian" nation. Never has been, although I believe the time is right around the corner where it will be forced to be. We have become like Israel in the OT.

In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.--Judges 21:25.

As a secular nation, we have gotten to the point where we all do as we see fit as well. Well, I guess there lies our problem.

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